Brown government still dragging its heels on Iraqi employees issue

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, February 26th, 2008
2:39 pm and is filed
under Gordon Brown, It’s War! It’s Legal! It’s Lovely!.

As you’re probably aware from watching the latest WMD and torture developments, the Brown government is becoming increasingly convinced of its ability to sweep some outstanding matters under the rug after a perfunctory dusting.

In fact, they appear to think that they can also let the small matter of Iraqi employees slip by without anyone at home making too much fuss…

Dan Hardie – Iraqi Employees: Fine words, shabby deeds: A small number of Iraqis – fewer than a dozen, according to people close to the operation who are in contact with me- were removed from Iraq in the early autumn of 2007. Since the Prime Minister’s admirable declaration of October, how many Iraqi ex-employees have been evacuated from Iraq? According to all the Iraqis that I am in contact with: none.

I’ve tried to get something more than words out of my MP, with little luck.

You may do better:
Please try. Then please share.

Cheers all.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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