This. (and another thing….)

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008
1:03 pm and is filed
under Consume!.

Never Trust a Hippy – A declaration – draft 1: I thought it would be asking you – my readers – to help me compose a certificate that could be sent out to every Thatcherite and right-wing libertarian that you have contact details for….

To be read in full over coffee… but not too near the screen, especially if you’re going to stray into comments.

Speaking of which, allow me to draw your attention not only to that post, but also to this response from that champion of truth and justice, Paul de Laire Staines:

Guido Fawkes said

A re-draft:

“Greed — for lack of a better word — is good.

Greed is right.

Greed works.

Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.

Greed, in all of its forms — greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge — has marked the upward surge of mankind.”

1. As usual, there’s not an original thought in the man’s head.

2. But at least the ‘city boy’ shirt mystery has been cleared up; Staines wears part of this 80s-era uniform almost everywhere for the same reason that children wear Superman* outfits.

(*Batman outfits are OK for grown-ups. Kevlar is a useful and practical material, especially in these stabby times.)

3. Not that we should expect anything less than a deceptive narrative from a man who’s made crafting these his raison d’etre, but greed for money is not the same as lust for life. Unless of course we are talking about circumstances in which your enjoyment of life can lead to someone having less of it… or none of it.

[Psst! That Staines is one of Britain’s most shameless hypocrites is not news, but just for the record; OMG, the thieving tosspot doesn’t like people stealing ‘his’ stuff.]

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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Isn't it bizarre how Guido is under the impression that only David Miliband uses the word bizarre when speaking to the media? If we follow this illogic to its conclusion, if Gordon Brown uses the word bizarre when speaking to the media, therefore Gordon Brown is really David Miliband.Duh!
John_Eatwell's avatar

John_Eatwell · 849 weeks ago

Reminds me of that John Kenneth Galbraith quote: "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

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