Just a quiet heads-up

This entry was posted on
Monday, January 26th, 2009
12:10 pm and is filed
under Gordon Brown.

There’s a post on my site that’s one of the top results in Google for most search queries relating to Gordon Brown’s email.

The relevant service has been down for months, I’m left wondering what the big deal is with a few emails, and I want to at least see for myself some indication of how big the daily pile can be.

So for the next 24 hours, I will be using that post to (again) accept emails on the PM’s behalf:

Bloggerheads (UK) – How to email Gordon Brown

Emails will be hand-delivered tomorrow evening, along with an executive summary.

If you’d like to send an email to Gordon Brown, this may be the only opportunity you get for a while.

UPDATE (27 Jan) – What… is that it? I could collate and summarise the emails I have so far with a stapler and a pencil. Surely Gordon Brown can’t be that much of an irrelevance already.

Offer now extended to one full week. I doubt very much if I’ll fill a foolscap folder in that time.

Meanwhile, an official statement from Downing Street about when we might expect the service to return would be more welcome than the odd anonymous word in their defence. I recognise that it’s more complicated than simply accepting email, but the last time I went into any detail about that, Downing Street rewarded my efforts in a most unusual way.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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