This entry was posted on
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004 at
10:37 am and is filed
under Tolerance.
Ben comments on the play at a Birmingham theatre had to be cancelled following violent protests from Sikhs. This will lead you to this excellent post at Harry’s Place and news that the play’s writer has gone into hiding following death threats.
By bigdaddymerk December 22, 2004 - 1:46 pm
quite possibly the best bit of web design I’ve ever seen. That man should win an award based on his navigation alone!
By snooo December 22, 2004 - 1:47 pm
did a couple of things on Behtzi on me LJ blog thingy: seem to be ignoring the fact that the way that this whole story has been betrayed has distorted it somewhat, with constant references to the Sikh community when its mostly religious leaders who have been complaining, for example.