Saddam Hussein: one year on and still no trial

This entry was posted on
Monday, December 13th, 2004
10:49 am and is filed
under It’s War! It’s Legal! It’s Lovely!.

BBC – World still waits for Saddam trial: The original plan had been to bring Saddam and his henchmen to a relatively quick trial – possibly within six months. That date has repeatedly slipped, due in part to the lack of experience amongst the Iraqi investigators who have to sift through tonnes of documents, and due also to deteriorating security, which is severely hampering their work. The latest advice from the interim government is that the trials will take place in the first half of next year, but not before elections on 30 January.

Curiously, the leftist scum at the BBC have not taken their usual step of sticking the boot into America at every opportunity. They’ve clearly failed to point out that a carefully stage-managed an open trial cannot take place until after the elections because at the moment Saddam can claim that the invasion was illegal and those in authority were placed there by the illegal invaders, therefore he is still the rightful leader of Iraq.

Of course, me pointing this out means that I’m suggesting that this excuses all of past crimes. And that I love Saddam and want to have his babies.

And that I would dare to suggest that this represents a bit of a cock-up on Bush’s part… well, that’s just because I hate America. And justice. And freedom. And little Baby Jesus.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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