Monthly Archives: January 2005

Iraq Elections: shaping up for success

Knight Ridder – As Iraqis register to vote, Shiites enthusiastic while fear grips Sunnis: Block by block, and neighborhood by neighborhood, Iraq’s election process is unfolding in starkly different ways. In areas populated by Shiites, who are the majority in … Continue reading

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Murdoch’s push for terrestrial TV in the UK

Guardian – Files show extent of Murdoch lobbying : Freedom of information files released to the Guardian reveal how the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch wields extensive lobbying clout over the Blair government. Mr Murdoch secured private reassurances from ministers during … Continue reading

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Whore? Moi?

Scaryduck notes with interest that Belle du Jour is blogging again now his/her book is out. You may also be amused by the (still developing) “Customers who bought this item also bought” list at Amazon, which currently includes Moby Dick … Continue reading

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Eclectic link dump #3

Tsunami link (blogged), tsunami link (blogged), tsunami link (blogged).. mostly familiar links on Blogdex today, but one new disaster-driven link covers all bases and also happens to be in the No. 1 spot: Webloggers: Give to tsunami victims and I’ll … Continue reading

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