Monthly Archives: January 2005

So this is what freedom and liberty tastes like…

My, my… what a jolly day. Would anyone mind if I just posted a string of articles and then just held my heads in my hands and wept…? ACLU – Newly Released Investigative Files Provide Further Evidence Soldiers Not Held … Continue reading

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Fresh images in Google Image Search

A word to the wise: the Google Image Search database appears to have been updated. Finally. (This only happens once every 12 months, which means that GIS is one of the crappiest aspects of Google’s service. But there’s new stuff … Continue reading

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Stylish, sexy and sweet

Meet BikerFox. He’s a fashion trend-setter. (Link via The Ultimate Insult.) Meet a chap from Long Beach, CA who will happily model for you. Then spend time getting to know the 50 most loathsome people in America. (You’re at No. … Continue reading

Posted in Normal People | 1 Comment

Reactions to Bush’s inauguration speech

Signs Of The Apocalypse – Bush: Today marked the beginning of the end, as George W. Bush took an oath to rape America for another 4 years. (Latter link via BigDaddyMerk.) Washington Post – Bush Speech Not a Sign of … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 3 Comments

Combat misery with Murdoch-approved mammaries!

Today The Sun is fighting back against Misery Monday “to give you some FUN on the most depressing day of the year.” To combat depression and/or prove this boffin wrong (no doubt he’s a killjoy leftie) they’ve “peppered the site/paper … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs | 1 Comment

New category – The Reality-Based Community

From time to time a new blog comes up that deserves a general plug (as opposed to a link to a specific post). So today I’ve created a new category for pluggage of the like-minded. The term ‘reality-based community’ is … Continue reading

Posted in The Reality-Based Community | 3 Comments

Bush Inauguration Speech: call for Google-juice

Them’s some mighty fine words, yessir… I woke up with a G-bomb this morning, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the words I’d chosen were deemed suitable by more than one journalist… – Your mission today is to create … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 5 Comments

Northern Ireland bank raid

This is a lovely round-up of events: Slugger O’Toole – Northern Bank raid and political fallout, so far Oh, and – if you’re interested – here’s the design of the new banknotes.

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Happy Birthday sound files (as WAV and MP3)

UPDATE – It is February 2021. The world is a very different place these days, but the good news is every version of Happy Birthday you could want is right here. You can probably ignore the rest of this page. … Continue reading

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Here we go again….

BBC – US right attacks SpongeBob video (link fixed) New York Times – Conservatives Pick Soft Target: A Cartoon Sponge Hooray for James C. Dobson. UPDATE – Meet a fan of Mr Dobson. UPDATE – My, my, my… what a … Continue reading

Posted in Christ... | 4 Comments