Please forward this to everyone you know!*

This entry was posted on
Wednesday, January 12th, 2005
4:30 pm and is filed
under Christ….

The Christians have made a stand – but will Athiests?

Below is a transcript of a television billing that is scheduled to be shown on BBC 1 on Sunday 16th January 2005 at 5:15pm (unless we get enough people to complain).

“BBC2 plans to broadcast Songs of Praise on National Nothing Day of all days! This regular musical presentation, notorious for containing the choral presentation of over 25,000 references to the words, ‘Christ’, ‘Lord’, ‘God’ and ‘Almighty’, depicts the characters of Jesus, Mary and God as infallible beings who give and receive love following a horrific series of events in Jerusalem, all in the name of religion. 12,500 hymns have been sung on Songs Of Praise over the last 40 years. That’s over 30 million celebratory references to religious figures that are openly offensive to those who deny their existence. Hymns often include claims that one can live without food or even live forever! The most popular hymn on the programme is called ‘How Great Thou Art’ – a stark challenge to all atheists! Nevertheless, the show is scheduled to be transmitted without any cuts.”

If you disagree with the BBC’s plan to broadcast this material, please register your feelings with the BBC tel 08700 100222) or OfCom ( tel 0845 456 3000). Could you also forward this message to anyone else you feel would want to be aware of this. This does make a difference – 500 calls are considered as a very significant complaint, so I am sure we can do this!!!!!!!!! You need to complain to both OfCom and the BBC.

The following URL is a direct link to the Ofcom website – and to register a complaint online. Please make use of this:

Please forward this message to as many people as possible, because time is of the essence as the 16th Jan gets nearer!

*This is obviously a joke. Please don’t.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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Well well well. Christian Voice's website seems to have fallen off the interweb for the moment. Shame, as I'd counted a full seventeen places where Mr Green gave out his home telephone number, and a further eleven where he listed his home address.
Ah. It's back now...
Tim - this is too good to be a joke. You should so do this for real to make the point
Not so sure that's a good idea, given this far-from-tyipcal reaction from the satire-rich B3ta board. If they can miss the point, I fear for the general public:

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