Man to marry horse: film at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11

This entry was posted on
Friday, February 11th, 2005
8:59 am and is filed
under Page 3 – News in Briefs, The War on Stupid, UK General Election 2005.

Glorious front page on the Independent today. Here’s a round-up. How brave of Tony to appear on the hard-hitting show Richard and Judy. How pleasant that Bush tried to suppress the pre-9/11 report into al-Qaeda. Ooh, look… nukes!

Oh, did you miss that bit about the Bush administration opening a torture franchise? You did? Then you may also have missed the ID cards bill slipping through the Commons yesterday (for the record, Blair knew about the Charles/Camilla announcement at least 5 days in advance).

Y’see, it’s all about Teh War on Terrerer. We take it very seriously. And we don’t mismanage matters, lie about it and then manipulate the threat. That would be a very silly thing to do.

Oh, that chap who’s marrying a horse… I know you’re dying to know what the girl with the tits thinks about it.

Today, Danni (18, from Coventry) has been closely following news of Charles and Camilla’s wedding. She says: “They really seem to be in love and it’s great that they’ve made this decision. Camilla is certainly not a princess like Diana but I’m sure everyone will warm to her.”

Yes. Quite.

I got home last night planning to have my first 8+ hours of sleep in a over a week. It didn’t happen. I have a new song in my head. Chicken Yoghurt gets credit for partially inspiring it. BTW, this is a mighty fine post about vague numbers of very dead people. We wouldn’t claim to be invading Iraq for humanitarian reasons and then fiddle/hide the number of civilian casualties. That wouldn’t be too clever at all.

Send me more money you cheap bastards! The major parties are booking up ad-space like there’s no tomorrow. If you want to see giant Backing Blair billboards then you should be sending me money today and telling other people to do the same.

Lots of linky goodness over at Washinton Monthly today. Go see.

PS – Don’t forget to send me money.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
This entry was posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs, The War on Stupid, UK General Election 2005. Bookmark the permalink.

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Eat more sausages. Sausages are an inexpensive source of protein.

Eat more sausages. Sausages are an inexpensive source of protein.
>> Chicken Yoghurt gets credit for partially inspiring it.Get lost - I've been wearing my foil hat all week.
Should be 0.5 grand in the name of SMullen on its way, sponsored by and The Myron Ebell Climate.
Can you just remind me once more to send you money?
Thank you, goatchurch. We may be able to leapfrog straight to mobile billboards at this rate.Guy: Have you sent us money yet?

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