Monthly Archives: February 2005

Blogs: reality, illusion and potential

Iain Duncan Smith – Bloggers will rescue the right: …Britain hasn’t yet had much experience of electronic campaigning. But the blogosphere will become a force in Britain, and it could ignite many new forces of conservatism. The internet’s automatic level … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

Former ambassador to go head-to-head with Straw

Independent – A UK diplomat says Britain is part of a worldwide torture plot. Is he telling the truth?: Craig Murray is a very undiplomatic diplomat. Former ambassadors are supposed to be tending their flowers in Home Counties gardens, but … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 2 Comments

Man to marry horse: update

Oh, I say! UPDATE – This week’s B3ta challenges you to find/create a new sport for the upper classes now fox hunting has been banned. My official entry is here. Also, the latest newsletter is out and the paid link … Continue reading

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Backing Blair – constituency updates

The Backing Blair constituency pages have been updated: In some cases, where good arguments have been made by people in the constituency concerned, the Tactical Voting advice has been changed to reflect more realistic opportunities. So, for example, if Labour … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

What really, really matters

Guardian – Papers reveal Bagram abuse: New evidence has emerged that US forces in Afghanistan engaged in widespread Abu Ghraib-style abuse, taking “trophy photographs” of detainees and carrying out rape and sexual humiliation. Documents obtained by the Guardian contain evidence … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | Comments Off on What really, really matters

The possible need to state the bleeding obvious

OK, quick show of hands. Who here doesn’t understand what ‘Jim Doyle’ is up to? UPDATE – I just left this comment on the site. It was deleted within minutes: “Jim, we’ve explained this in public, and we’ve explained it … Continue reading

Posted in Normal People | 13 Comments

Energy to burn

Tut. Tut. Tut. Why can’t they spend their time doing sometime *constructive*? Do none of these people have jobs? (And so on and so forth.) PS – Libyans! Run for it, Marty!

Posted in Consume! | 1 Comment

Is Gareth Davies a Labour stooge?

Unless you suffer from severe short-term memory loss, you’re likely to remember this post from yesterday identifying a Bloggerheads visitor that appeared to be viewing the site from inside Labour HQ. The person using this IP address visited again yesterday. … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 12 Comments

UK sliding towards police state shock

I am amazed that this appeared in a Murdoch newspaper… Simon Jenkins – Conspiring in torture, betraying our freedom. Charles Clarke is a disaster: Neither the Prime Minister nor the Home Secretary have shown any contrition for the deceptive Iraq … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 3 Comments

Girl with boobs has ‘opinion’ #342

Today, Page 3 lovely Peta (18, from Essex) backs Tony Blair’s call for Ken Livingstone to apologise over his ‘anti-Jewish’ remarks (Boris Johnson, BTW, has a slightly different view). She says: “I found his comments totally abhorrent. As Mayor of … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs | 5 Comments