Monthly Archives: February 2005

MPs and candidates: my door is always* open

*This door is now closed.

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 5 Comments

Backing Blair – London February Meetup

####################### IMPORTANT ############################# There with be an inaugural planning/briefing meeting next Tuesday (Feb 8, 7:30pm) for all Bloggerheads readers in or near London who want the full-poop (or near to the full-poop) on the Backing Blair campaign. First beer is … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 10 Comments

Lynton Crosby likes to fight dirty

Mirror – Tory Vs. Tory: Crosby’s tactics are already alarming seasoned Tory campaigners. Some are predicting it will be Britain’s dirtiest-ever campaign. Tory traditionalists fear his “Mr Nasty” approach will alienate middle-of-the-road voters… He has been embroiled in a string … Continue reading

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Death from above, ‘clever’ satire, eye of the tiger and victory by a nose

Notepad Invaders rules! ‘Meh’ is the word that best describes The Credibles. Watch this and then try to get the theme from ‘Rocky’ out of your head. The Flying Gonzo Game is difficult, but very, very cool.

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Posters, Doodles and personal attacks

On the 25th of January, the Labour Party sent an email out to supporters asking them to choose their favourite from a selection of ‘clever’ anti-Tory posters. The two that turned out to be the most popular – and caused … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | Comments Off on Posters, Doodles and personal attacks

Michael Jackson: Page 3 weighs in

Today Page 3 regular Zoe (23, from London) reckons the Michael Jackson child abuse case in America (Really? It’s in America? Do tell.) will grip the world in the coming months. But she adds: “People should not jump to conclusions. … Continue reading

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