Backing Blair – Video II now live

This entry was posted on
Thursday, March 10th, 2005
9:32 am and is filed
under UK General Election 2005.

Here you go – don’t try to read all of the text in one sitting.

There is a third video in the works (which will address the whole matter of Blair’s manipulation of the terror threat) and there may even be a fourth, time permitting (which will address Blair’s journey to the right).

This video addresses bullshit in general. I hope you like it enough to share it.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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Whew! Powerful stuff that.
(points)Look! He's at it *again*!!!!;o)
Seamus O'Blimey's avatar

Seamus O'Blimey · 1044 weeks ago

Good work.. congrats to all involved..a suggestion tho.. could be improved by earlier visuals.. like from the start? my attention was wandering before i saw a pic, and y'know the text is too fast.. how about a clip of "Things can only get Unbelievable" mixed in there somewhere? with pics of the party faithful singing along?I will be sharing it with friends but I'll have to tell them to hang in for the second half (most of us have short attention spans;)When the pics do kick in they are effective, much more so than the text which is wasted in quick flashes.. get the balance right and i reckon you've cracked it..I still don't know why you bother though.
as a labour activist, i have to say that your first film was very effective, in that it made me ashamed of some of what we have done, and as a result i have talked about your site to friends (although i completely disagree with your tactical voting to give tories seats back). Your new film gives me the impression that you are supporters of RESPECT. You have the same contempt for mainstream parties and the same arrogance as RESPECT do. As a result your site is now irrelevant as it is a partisan rant. Its a shame, as i did respect you as an organisation. It seems there is yet another Galloway takeover of a respectable cause (e.g. stop the war, unite against fascism) when you could have had some public support. I am going to be campaigning vigorously for Labour at this election and you are as big a catalyst as Michael Howard for my decision to work hard.
Tom, that's a cheap smear tactic. If you have a shred of integrity in your body you will withdraw it immediately.Galloway to most Glaswegians -especially those who have voted Labour (including myself) made us cringe with embarrassment and that was while he was a member of the Labour party. I would say his prolonged acceptance within the Labour fold illustrates how fucked up Labour could be by tolerating such a self-serving, sanctimonius freak of nature.I'm voting LibDem for the first time in my life. Prior to that I voted Labour. If anything BackingBlair is an appeal for political moderation and democratic values.As for the accusation of partisanship, I could say: "Pot, Kettle, Black" but that would be wrong because from what I make out from attending the meetups they seem like a fairly moderate bunch of decent guys. More accurately your claim reeks of Transference.As for your Michael Howard slur, I don't like him one bit. But to be fair, he hasn't told porkies to the cabinet, invaded another country on false pretences nor sucked up to the most right-wing President the USA has had in the last 50 years.What's more Blair approached Brown and Mandelson to do a u-turn on thier manifesto pledge on the Minimum Wage. If you don't believe me, the link referring to it is on my blog.Your insinuation that BackingBlair is about giving votes to the tories is utterly perverse. From reading the polling data I would say Blair is doing a good enough job of that himself.Rather than the downright misleading "Vote LibDem, Get Tory" line your boss is peddling, BackingBlair is more about getting people to realise that if they "Vote Tony" they will once again "Get Tory". BackingBlair informs people of another democratic alternative. What on earth is up with that? Don't you like people who think politics is more about democracy and fairness than supporting an autocratic loon that tries to con the public that we could be threatened with WMD in "15 minutes".
Irritant: This is the bit where I leap on your 15/45 typo and use it to claim that your entire argument is baseless.:o)Tom: Do pardon me for expressing a level of distrust in the major parties, which - as you say - proves that this is a partisan attack from Respect (or perhaps even Veritas or the BNP, who also were not mentioned) that is designed to win votes for the Tories. It all makes perfect sense, and I wish you well in your future attempts at public debate.
Damn! Why couldn't someone have told me we're supporting RESPECT! And here I've been telling everyone that we actually supporting the Kidderminster Hospital and Health Campaign. Or was it the Greens? That's the problem with being non-partisan, you end up being accused of supporting damn near every Tom, Dick or Harry who you haven't attacked.
PS - I love the bit about how he's no longer "ashamed of some of what we have done" because of the 'contempt' we've shown for others by pointing out what they should be ashamed of.
All i said was that your second film gives me the impression that RESPECT are behind this. It reminds me of the way they hijacked 'stop the war' and 'unite against fascism' in my area so that people of other political persuasions were effectively excluded (i know as i was involved in both and made to feel unwelcome). Manic - it is ridiculous to suggest that i am no longer concerned about some thngs we have done as a result of your website. I merely suggested that this film cannot claim to be a balanced view. Many of the quotes from all parties covered are taken out of context. But i see no sign of 'Gorgeous George' in Iraq for example - that is why i suspected this was a RESPECT production. I am happy to be proven wrong if this is a genuine site based on convictions rather than a party political broadcast for George Galloway's travelling circus. I look forward to your 3rd film being as effective as the original.
Tom: This video does not address Respect (or Veritas for that matter) because there were 3 (count 'em - 3) clear sections to the song before the finale. We chose to feature the 3 leading parties. All quotes appear below the show with references so they may be read in context.
I like the video, I agree with the campaign and I am even prepared to vote Conservative to help get rid of Blair.What I can't get my head round is that wretched song about the London Underground. One of my main complaints about Blair is that he represents an elite and would happily see everyone else on the minimum wage if it suited his purposes. And here we have a song calling underground train drivers greedy bastards for wanting 30K to 'sit on their arses'.30K is not an unreasonable wage and most people sit on their arses at work. Should people who drive tube trains stand up? Would this not be a safety issue? Come on, lose the song, it doesn't serve your site well.Whatever happended to 'what about the workers', 'you're blacked' and 'brothers, everybody out. Ah, the good old days!

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