Monthly Archives: March 2005

Subconscious influence

An article by John Ware, the Panorama reporter behind Iraq, Tony & the Truth… Guardian – MI6, Jack Straw, defence staff: Blair ignored them all: A reliable source concludes that, as a result of the July 23 prime ministerial summit, … Continue reading

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Shiny happy people

The Happy Poster Project is enjoying a revival thanks to this little outing at Metafilter. Scott (who has recently learned that Teh Beatles are evil) has reported turning up to work to see one of the posters gracing a colleague’s … Continue reading

Posted in Teh Interwebs | 1 Comment

I’m sorry…

… but I have to wait, and so do you. See you in the morning. :o) PS – Oi! Milton! Wake up!

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Tim Montgomerie is a genius

Times – Tories plan to beat ‘bias’ by bringing in bloggers: The Conservative Right is to turn to new American campaigning techniques and the internet to try to revive the party and overcome what it sees as opposition from the … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 4 Comments

Just you wait….

I will have a *very* special treat for you on Tuesday morning. :o) UPDATE – Tom’s back online, and he has a small treat for you right now.

Posted in Updates | 4 Comments

Iraq war advice: a new development?

This has just been passed to me by Wibbler: Intriguing new development tonight on the government’s legal advice on going to war with Iraq. Can’t say any more at this point I’m afraid, suffice to say it’s important, and you … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 1 Comment

Selective approaches to the sanctity of life

Read this. Now. (Link via Chicken Yoghurt.)

Posted in Christ... | 2 Comments

Backing Blair – more constituency updates

The tactical voting advice at Backing Blair has been updated.

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Googlebombs and Googlebombing: Teh Rules

Googlebombing describes the process of a group of sites (usually weblogs) linking to a target site with a chosen word or phrase (that may or may not appear on the target site) in order to make that target site the … Continue reading

Posted in Search Engine Optimisation | 4 Comments

Remembering to save often

We’re having a series of brown-outs in the office this morning, so my access to Teh Interwebs (and electricity, for that matter) is limited. I’m busying myself with a useful post about Googlebombs. tyepsavetypesave*bugger*restarttypesavetype*bugger*bugger*bugger*restarttypesavetypesave… With you shortly.

Posted in Updates | 1 Comment