Monthly Archives: March 2005

More on Milton

Just to let you know, there’s a tale of two Mikes developing on my new Anne Milton weblog.

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Abort! Abort! Abort!

Dear God, it’s like watching a car crash in slow motion… Guardian – Support Tories over abortion, cardinal tells Catholics: The head of the Catholic church in England and Wales broke with tradition yesterday by questioning Labour policy and urging … Continue reading

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A Happy Birthday for Tony Blair?

It’s just occurred to me that – if the general election takes place when everyone expects it will – then Tony Blair will have something to celebrate on the following day no matter what happens.

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Living in a Tory wonderland

Murdoch’s bitch-slapping of Blair continues in The Sun, with news that the NHS is in crisis and patients are sleeping in offices. They urge you to buy today’s paper so you can; see the shocking picture that sums up the … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs | 1 Comment

The myth of liberal bias… again

New York Times – Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged Television News: Under the Bush administration, the federal government has aggressively used a well-established tool of public relations: the prepackaged, ready-to-serve news report that major corporations have long distributed … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 2 Comments

Star Wars Episode III – final trailer

The third and final trailer for Star Wars Episode III is now available the the great unwashed at the official Star Wars site. Those of you in the cheap seats may have to settle for the transcript. If you want … Continue reading

Posted in Geekage | Comments Off on Star Wars Episode III – final trailer

Gigs in London

A rather fine Australian musician I know is headed for our shores in June (don’t worry; he’s marrying one of their women and doesn’t want your job), and I was wondering if any readers knew of venues in London that … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 4 Comments

Speaking as someone who only recently gave a damn…

Simon Jenkins – Under my keyboard the desk shakes. The bloggers are on the march Europhobia – The more time people spend online, the more interested in politics they become

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Justification for war fading away before our eyes

Underblog – Curiouser and Curiouser: So now they say that the 13 page document was not “the” legal advice at all (although it is known that it contained legal advice)! They are making the absurd claim that the 2-page answer … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 1 Comment

The War on Tories

Observer – Chaos: how war on terror became a political dogfight: If anyone seriously thought that security would fade as an election issue, the rhetoric and propaganda of the past 24 hours should provide ample evidence that it will be … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 2 Comments