Monthly Archives: March 2005

Another indication that Iran is next

Hrm. Best make that; another *opinion* that Iran is next… Please investigate/consider this and then act as you see fit. You may need a grain of salt and a bit of steady-headedness.

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 3 Comments

Ever have one of those days?

Diarrhea Dan rules. Well done, Rob.

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Open letter to Zack Exley Zack Exley and Tim Ireland. If they’d met under different circumstances, I think they might have been friends… That’s quite possible… As irritant notes here; It is possible that Zack Exley may be employed to undermine any of the … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 7 Comments

Backing Blair; big and dangerous, small and insignificant

Tom Watson – Vote Liberal Democrat – Get the Tories Guido has the best response so far; As opposed to Vote Labour get Blair? This same line of thought has prompted quite a few comments over at Harry’s Place. We … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

We suck

Via Abnu and this fabbo post at, we find this article at FOXNews, belittling bloggers. (Well, leftist bloggers. Right-wing bloggers are pyjama-clad champions of the oppressed.) The former link contains the following quote, which I’d like to share with … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | Comments Off on We suck

Stephen Green; full of Teh Glory of God, self-importance or crap?

Stephen Green (more here) appears to have gone mad with power and is now targeting abortionists. This quote shows how delusional this man is and how difficult it’s going to be to deal with him… “Perhaps the Lord thinks I … Continue reading

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Torture season on C4

I hope you all ‘enjoyed’ The Guantanamo Guidebook last night (it’s part of Channel 4’s torture season). For the record, John Beyer did not want you to see it. There’s more tonight: Torture: The Dirty Business. Tuesday 1 March at … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment