This entry was posted on
Monday, March 7th, 2005 at
9:06 am and is filed
under Tony ‘King Blair.
Seamus spotted a familiar image (see these comments) and brought this to my attention…
It has been suggested that Jeff Gannon has been entertaining Tony Blair in a way that makes his offer to appear on Little Britain even more amusing.
The minutes referenced above claim in a nudge/wink way that; JD Guckert (aka Jeff Gannon) was busy entertaining the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
The link Libertythink provides to the relevant minutes keeps going down, but you can see them by following this link (PDF) which appears on this page.
Then you can stop right there. This is where the story ends, as there is little prospect of a love-child to agonise over.
By Seamus O'Blimey March 7, 2005 - 4:36 pm
Thanks for the mention Tim, but I was not trying to suggest Blair was gay. You’re right, that story ends there as it would only be an issue if he was compromised by it’s exposure.However, the Gannon\Guckert(\Gosch?) story threatens to get more interesting.. Tony did have any “left wing” tendencies then wouldn’t G\G\(G?) have been the one to find them?I wouldn’t be surprised to find your friend Zack turning up somewhere in this sordid tale.. maybe you’re using the wrong sources?