Monthly Archives: May 2005

Are we paying attention?

Take a look at the two-panel bulletproof screen Bush relied on in Georgia and compare it to the 32-panel wall of bulletproof glass at his 2005 inauguration. Have a think about that. A ‘possible’ grenade gets All Teh Press, while … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush, It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | Comments Off on Are we paying attention?

Blair out… Blair out… Blair out…

Delyn Democracy – 22% of the electorate voted for Blair’s government, 78% didn’t. This includes some useful links. Read, follow and learn. There’s also a lot more over at including details of a special event tomorrow (Wednesday) night at … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 2 Comments


I was introduced to the glorious mash-up Suicide Fever (Suicide is Painless vs Pac Man Fever) by a late-night post on the B3ta messageboard, and didn’t get much work done after that. I must have played it (on loop) about … Continue reading

Posted in Flash Music Video, Games and Objects | Comments Off on M*A*S*H-up!

Jerry Springer – Ofcom rules

Ofcom have ruled on the broadcast of Jerry Springer: The Opera. (Heads-up via Scaryduck.) You can read their findings here (PDF). You’ll find the JS:TO report under ‘Not in Breach’. Media Watch Watch have made a few comments and are … Continue reading

Posted in Christ... | 3 Comments

Blair out

It ain’t over yet.

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | Comments Off on Blair out

Eclectic link dump #12

Flash: The Library. S’cool. Video: Men in Coats in action. Prepare to laugh like a drain. Quiz: Which Monopoly Game Token Are You? Art: Lots and lots and lots of political posters. Game: Starfighter! Another nice find from The Ultimate … Continue reading

Posted in Flash Music Video, Games and Objects | 2 Comments

The morning after the day after the day after that

So, more than a few questions to address about Backing Blair, the main one being; “What’s next?!” Well, what do you think? Labour in. Blair out. Looks like a job that’s half-done to me. I’ll tell you more shortly and … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

Anne Milton: the work goes on

The fragrant Sandra Howard: The jeers of a few vocal protesters are drowned by the cheering. It’s a rousing reception. One deeply unpleasant man near me, called Anne a “Dipstick”; she says he’s been stalking her on his website as … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 1 Comment

Bye-bye to bad news

Howard to stand down as leader. (More from the BBC.) I’d like to take this opportunity to also send a farewell message to Lynton Crosby: Thanks for all the good work you did for the BNP. Don’t let the door … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 4 Comments


I have been advised that the catchphrase of the day for all surviving Labour MPs is: “an historic third term”… A clear case of; “Never mind the majority; feel the width!” Blair is – right now – more vulnerable than … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 11 Comments