Monthly Archives: May 2005


The final scene from Se7en, performed by stuffed animals.

Posted in Video | 1 Comment

Rock The Vote UK back for one final rip-off

The Sun continues its rip-off (1, 2) of the original Rock The Vote and shamelessly ties it into a push for Labour and the war in Iraq. Check it out… The Scum – Robbie sez: Use your vote!: Pop superstar … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 2 Comments

Jack Straw: duck, dive and jive

Get down and get funky! Get some background. Show Straw the door.

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | Comments Off on Jack Straw: duck, dive and jive

Osama bin Laden, Tony Blair and the UK election

The threat of terror is real. The ‘war’ on terror is a lie. And since September 2001, Tony Blair and his cohorts have been either misrepresenting the terrorist threat, manipulating the terrorist threat, mismanaging the terrorist threat, and/or misrepresenting and … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid, Uzbekistan | 1 Comment