Monthly Archives: June 2005

More cloves with your gin, Sir?

George W. Bush will appear on Teh Televisions tonight to assure us that all is well. The Iraq war is a vital and positive part of war on terror. We brought a ruthless dictator to heel. Pay no attention to … Continue reading

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Chat amongst ourselves

Associated Press – Friday 08 October 2004: The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights voted Friday to wait until after next month’s election to discuss a report critical of the Bush administration’s civil rights record. Republican members had objected to the … Continue reading

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Comments are now fixed.

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ID Cards: Round II

BBC – ID cards set for Commons grilling: Ministers are facing more criticism over plans to introduce identity cards, the day before the bill is given its second reading in the Commons. According to the London School of Economics the … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 3 Comments

For Blair loved Teh Bush so much…

Guardian – Euan Blair gets job in US as an intern: Euan Blair will be spending three months in Washington working as an unpaid intern for a powerful Republican congressman this summer. But he is also hoping to work for … Continue reading

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Insurgency talks

Guardian (Jun 10) – US in talks with Iraqi insurgents: A US embassy official in Baghdad said efforts were under way to “engage” elements of the resistance in an apparent softening of the Bush administration’s opposition to negotiations. Yes, they … Continue reading

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Gossip, gossip, gossip

Who are the country’s leading scandal-mongers and when will Guido get a look-in?

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If you feel you must…

Someone doesn’t want their Live 8 tickets anymore. What have you got to trade?

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Anyway, while Rome burns…

Top-‘secret’ party this Saturday night (9:30 pm Sat 25th June) at a yet-to-be-disclosed island location in London (to be announced on Saturday morning). You must: – dress as a pirate You should bring: – something to drink (rum, perhaps) – … Continue reading

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It’s for your own protection #342

Some words from Tony Benn for you to read and share, and also a rare blog entry from Boris: Tony Benn – In the name of security: Since the attack on the twin towers, in which many innocent Americans were … Continue reading

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