Monthly Archives: June 2005

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Howl with the wolves and lie down with the dogs

Telegraph – Leave Bush alone, Geldof warns stars: Bob Geldof has reportedly warned a top recording artist not to publicly criticise the White House during the worldwide television broadcast of the Live 8 concerts next month. The warning came after … Continue reading

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A logical progression

MSN Spaces bans “Democracy” and “freedom” for China users Rupert Murdoch Cosies up to “Communist China” Rupert Murdoch urges his readers to freely express their views via… MSN Spaces (Heads-up via Scaryduck.)

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Keep your eyes on the sideshow

Try not to think about the implausible claims of WMDs. Try not to balance these claims with the fact that we used WMDs on Iraqis. We did – after all – bring democracy to that country! What’s that I hear … Continue reading

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On ITV news this evening, there was an in-depth report on the exclusion zone and what impact this new law might have on us in the future. Sorry, just kidding. On ITV ‘news’ this evening was an in-depth report on … Continue reading

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My role in the Uzbekistan massacre

How many people were shot dead for protesting in Uzbekistan? Was it 15? 500? More? Well, it looks like we’ll never know now. But, at least we can sleep soundly in our beds knowing that they were shot humanely, effectively … Continue reading

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A great post on the use of napalm in Iraq from Chicken Yoghurt. Whoops! There goes another! Can we believe the Bush administration when they assure us that napalm was only used on military targets in Baghdad? After they denied … Continue reading

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Daddy or Chips?

Guardian – Couch potato label gives veg a bad name – farmers: British farmers have launched a campaign to remove the term “couch potato” from the dictionary because they fear its negative connotations are putting people off buying the vegetable. … Continue reading

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Smells like… election victory

Independent – US lied to Britain over use of napalm in Iraq war: American officials lied to British ministers over the use of “internationally reviled” napalm-type firebombs in Iraq. Yesterday’s disclosure led to calls by MPs for a full statement … Continue reading

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Defying the parliament exclusion zone

I’ve been racking my brain over the best way to deal with this disgraceful state of affairs (slipped into law late last Friday afternoon), but Robin seems to have a worthwhile approach: Perfect – They’ve taken away another little bit … Continue reading

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