Monthly Archives: June 2005

And to shake your booty means to wiggle one’s butt…

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! McPaper – ‘Downing Street memo’ gets fresh attention: Robin Niblett of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank, says it would be easy for Americans to misunderstand the reference to intelligence being “fixed around” Iraq … Continue reading

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If you won’t move on, we’ll move you on

Evening Standard – Surrender, anti-war man is told: Britain’s most persistent anti-war demonstrator was today ordered to quit his protest. Parliament Square protester Brian Haw has been served with a legal notice to dismantle his makeshift peace camp opposite the … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, The War on Stupid | 4 Comments

Unsubstantiate this.

Time – Inside the Wire at Gitmo: Time has obtained the first documented look inside the highly classified realm of military interrogations since the Gitmo Camp at Guantanamo Bay opened. The document is a secret 84-page interrogation log that details … Continue reading

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Bits and bobs

Just doing some backtracking on Star Wars: A Musical Tribute. Here’s some stuff I found along the way… I missed this one from January (via Capatain’s Blog) – Star Wars Episode III: A Lost Hope I didn’t miss the Lego … Continue reading

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A bit too clever for my liking

Normally user-weakness viruses are pretty witless affairs, but this one if frighteningly well-pitched and well-timed… Register – Bogus Jackson suicide bid claim used to spread malware LNR – Michael Jackson suicide virus: a neat bit of zeitgeist marketing

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On the subject of being ripped off

The Daily Sport used one of my images the other day as part of their regular ‘nicked off the web’ ‘sent in by readers’ Internutter feature. The image was cropped to remove my watermark and they did not seek my … Continue reading

Posted in Photoshopping | 3 Comments

How bias works

Rupert Murdoch not only controls what his readers/viewers/listeners learn via right-wing bias (which has long been denied but was finally confirmed last month); he controls what readers/viewers/listeners of other news services learn via accusing them of left-wing bias. Let me … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 2 Comments

Strange visitors from distant planets

Two glorious links from Film Rotation (both Quicktime, and pretty hefty): A tribute to Superman. Erm, make that Super*men*…. All the ‘best’ bits from the Star Wars Holiday Special.

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Guess what?

Anne Milton has once again proved herself to be a woman of action with genuine grass-roots support.

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Back to the distant past

It’s been a while since I made one of these. Cheers to DJ SpeCtre for the suggestion.

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