Monthly Archives: June 2005

Bring back national service!

Report – Campaign against anti-social behaviour ‘needs prevention as well as enforcement’: The Government should consider shifting the emphasis of its campaign against anti-social behaviour (ASB) to show it can tackle the underlying causes, as well as taking a hard … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 1 Comment

Now that’s commitment

BigDaddyMerk wishes to bring to your attention the weblog of Mark Pritchard MP, which appears to have been running since the dawn of time.

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 7 Comments

A letter to George

For over 12 months now, I’ve been promising Something Wonderful (and not too political)… 1 year, 25 days, 20 hours, 41 minutes. That’s how long it took for me to finally get around to finishing this once I’d started it. … Continue reading

Posted in Flash Music Video, Games and Objects, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 5 Comments

MPs: I encourage you to engage with the public via a weblog

Today the Hansard Society has released a report Parliament’s failure to communicate with the electorate. What I’d like you to do today is to take a link to this post and forward it to your local MP with a short … Continue reading

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Money, power and respect

I’d like to talk to you about respect. Blair made a big noise about it following the election and promised it would be the key to his histrionic third term (note: not a typo). But how can a man revive … Continue reading

Posted in Consume!, Uzbekistan | 1 Comment

It was worth it

Independent – Mr and Mrs Blair go to Washington: Privately, the British officials preparing for the summit have been amazed and angered by the “utter intransigence” of the Bush administration. Suggestions that Mr Blair needs to be rewarded for supporting … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | Comments Off on It was worth it

Back on deck

Sorry bloggage has been so light lately. Long-time readers of Bloggerheads will probably remember that twice in the past I’ve required a month off following a sustained period of campaigning (you can’t say I don’t give it my all) but … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | Comments Off on Back on deck

‘Everybody’ wants the chance to say No

Today Page 3 lovely Louise (19, from Manchester) thinks we should be given a chance to reject “the hated EU treaty” and adds: “Tony Blair promised us a referendum. Most Brits would jump at the chance to go to the … Continue reading

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