This entry was posted on
Friday, July 15th, 2005 at
9:34 am and is filed
under The War on Stupid.
12 August 2004:
David Blunkett: Freedom from terrorist attack is also a human right
14 July 2005:
The right not to be bombed outweighs liberties, says Clarke
You’ll want to read that second article especially. In it, Clarke defends the increased use of CCTV on the basis that it came in handy *after* the bombs went off.
So, here it comes. Having found they could not operate outside the law, the government started laying ground for new offences months and months and months ago.
This is nothing new; it’s the same old agenda dressed up as a safety measure. And it’s going to sail through.
See also:
A moral ‘Chinese wall’
State of mind
By D-Notice July 15, 2005 - 8:48 pm
Mr Clarke needs to look at the World Terrorism Index (quote in this report if he thinks that the best form of civil liberty is not to be attack by terrorists: country with the lowest risk of terrorism is… NORTH KOREA; so unless Mr Clarke is saying it is a paradise of civil liberties he’s talking bollocks!This is probably irrelevant, but the European country with the lowest rank is Iceland (as mentioned here): because they don’t go around invading other countries & propping-up 3rd World dictators.