Monthly Archives: August 2005

OK, let’s get our arses into high gear

The Political Weblog Project. (Launch post is here.) We need more of our elected officials communicating with us properly online, and we need them now. The idea is to spread knowledge, deal with any misconceptions, and bring together a team … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment

Holy crap in a crud-bucket

SMH – Murdoch vows to dominate internet: Rupert Murdoch has announced his intention to dominate the internet the way he dominates newspapers in Australia, and traditional media around the world. Having recently bought, which he describes as a place … Continue reading

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Busy. Working.

Here’s some stuff: Desperate Times. (via Toby) U.S. Security officials gathered Monday at a Canadian border crossing to mark the first test of a radio frequency identification system to be used by foreign visitors. (via Scaryduck) Oh. Goody. Heh. You’ll … Continue reading

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Scotsman – No10 raps ambitious Blunkett: David Blunkett, the Work and Pensions Secretary, was yesterday slapped down by 10 Downing Street as it scorned his claim to be jointly running the government while Tony Blair is on holiday. (clamps hands … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment

It’s official: Westminster is an open and cuddly place for all

BBC – Prescott gives family No 10 tour Can you say ‘stage-managed’, boys and girls? UPDATE – Guido’s view. I picked up last week’s TV schedule today, and guess what was on The Simpsons last Thursday..? It was Mr Lisa … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 2 Comments

We’ve lost a good man

Parliament’s integrity index just took a steep dive. The intelligence quotient isn’t looking too good either: BBC – Former minister Robin Cook dies Observer – An intellect that enthralled the House and made us think Independent – A man of … Continue reading

Posted in The Reality-Based Community | 3 Comments

The proposal of sanctions against the Uzbek cotton industry

Craig Murray – Why the US won’t admit it was jilted: President Karimov of Uzbekistan has served notice to quit on the US base in his country. This completes a process of diplomatic revolution as Karimov turns away from the … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid, Uzbekistan | 5 Comments

Defunct weblogs in the hands of spammers

Just a quick question… two previously fully-functional political weblogs now appear to be in the hands of blog-spammers: How has this come to be? My best guess is that the old blogs were deleted or shut down in … Continue reading

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Let’s put GREAT back into BRITAIN – you can do your bit!

The Sun – Put Great back into Britain: SUN readers can take the lead in putting the Great back into Britain by reviving the lost senses of DUTY and PRIDE. A DUTY to respect those who live and work in … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 6 Comments

Did I hear that right…?

Did anyone else just hear Peter Hitchins on PM on Radio 4 describing the Tories as being soft on terrorism because Boris Johnson challenged misuse of the word ‘inexplicable’?

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment