Monthly Archives: August 2005

Political illusions

Heh. This is great, this is. Perfect for those who pride themselve on clarity of vision. See also: George W. Bush singing Imagine (NSFW audio intro)

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Thugs! Terror! Suntan lotion!

Today, Page 3 girl Nikkala (23, from Middlesex) is ‘appalled MPs are swanning off on holiday while fanatics plot against Britain and thugs terrorise the streets’… She says: “Everyone needs a break but 80 days is daft. The police are … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs | 4 Comments

Anne Milton and poor promotion of surgery details

A victory of sorts over at the Anne Milton weblog. My local MP wasn’t promoting her advice surgeries. I made an issue of it. She responded with urgency bordering on the desperate. Now all that remains is for the regular … Continue reading

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But don’t even *think* about protesting, bub…

Guardian – Suspect’s tale of travel and torture: A former London schoolboy accused of being a dedicated al-Qaida terrorist has given the first full account of the interrogation and alleged torture endured by so-called ghost detainees held at secret prisons … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 1 Comment

The Thick Blue Line

Gawd bless those men in blue for enforcing an unenforceable law… or at the very least making a very good show of things. Who’d be in the army these days, eh? Or the police force, for that matter. What a … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 8 Comments

I’m OK… but you’re not allowed to relax

Report Pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4 More tomorrow.

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment