Monthly Archives: September 2005

Two thoughts for your day

A police state requires a centralised police force. You can only trust a terrorist when he’s telling you what you want to hear.

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More trouble caused by anonymous cowards

Paul Leake chooses his blog over his party

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Hurricane of blame hits British shores

Independent – Blair tells Murdoch: ‘gloating’ BBC is ‘full of hatred for America’ Independent – What Tony said to Rupert, and why it speaks volumes Guardian – Blair attacks BBC for ‘anti-US bias’ And the response from Rupert’s camp? Let’s … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 4 Comments

Censored by anonymous cowards

Europhobia – A Shot by Both Sides murder roundup I need to reserve comment on this for the moment, but the issue should be highlighted.

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 3 Comments

The Whisper Campaign

1. Whenever you walk past someone buying, holding or reading a copy of the Sun newspaper, say the following word under your breath: “wanker” 2. The prime whisper zone is anywhere just behind the target as you are passing by … Continue reading

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No deer for a month

Chicken Yoghurt is on the wagon! And I’m climbing on in sympathy. I like to think of it as a partial (and perfectly legal) tax strike. Bloggerheads will slow down over the next 4 weeks, as I’m teaming this up … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 2 Comments

Arts and crafts this evening

This just in from the Space Hijackers: ARMS DEALER DLR SEX TOY PARTY! DSEi, the worlds largest arms fair is currently taking place at the ExCel Centre in London’s Docklands. Lots of rich business men are going to play with … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | Comments Off on Arts and crafts this evening

A slightly chilly day in hell

(The image to your right is an uncredited picture that is appearing on websites and in email inboxes around the planet.) New York Times – Bush Takes Responsibility for Failures in Storm Response Reuters – Bush: ‘I take responsibility’ AP … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | Comments Off on A slightly chilly day in hell

Weblogs by (former) residents of New Orleans

No doubt you’re aware of, but I thought you might also be interested in some of the following weblogs, all of which are written by people who – until a week or so ago – used to live in … Continue reading

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Play the man, not the ball

Guardian – Death in Bobur Square: The May 13 massacre of hundreds, possibly thousands, of innocent civilians at Andijan in eastern Uzbekistan was carried out by soldiers and paramilitary units dispatched to kill by the regime of President Islam Karimov … Continue reading

Posted in The Reality-Based Community | 3 Comments