Monthly Archives: September 2005

ID Cards – by hook or crook

Is Blair trying to enforce ID Cards via the EU? If this is true, we can look forward to Rupert Murdoch’s mind exploding… hopefully in a spectacular Scanner-like scenario.

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Murdoch sticks the knife in… again

Observer – ‘Stitched up’ Humphrys faces BBC probe: Humphrys strongly denied the allegations last night, saying his comments had been part of a ‘good humoured, light-hearted speech’ and ‘meant with great affection’. The form in which they had been reported … Continue reading

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White House swings into action…. to shift blame

New York Times – White House Enacts a Plan to Ease Political Damage: Under the command of President Bush’s two senior political advisers, the White House rolled out a plan this weekend to contain the political damage from the administration’s … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 1 Comment

The Ballad of Islam Karimov

Come and listen to a story about Islam Karimov And Uzbekistan, the land he’d like to stay in power of. He’s a tyrant and a murderer, I’m sorry to be rude, But the reason we ignore it all is equally … Continue reading

Posted in Uzbekistan | 4 Comments