This entry was posted on
Monday, October 3rd, 2005 at
8:48 am and is filed
under Consume!.
Via Britblog Roundup # 33: – On Cillit Bang and a new low for marketers…
I came across one of these comments on Friday, but tracked the IP back to a company by the name of Southern Pacific Mortgage Limited, filed the matter under ‘bored office jerk’ and left it at that… but some of what Tom has heard from Reckitt Benckiser is revealing to say the least.
Right now, I’m watching and waiting to see what Monday morning brings, but the words ‘raging cow’ do keep ringing through my mind.
While we all wait for telltale fallout, you may want to check out reactions from those who do think it’s a misguided marketing exercise. (Warning: these comments are sure to be cleaned up sometime this morning.)
UPDATE – Two other blogs showing ‘Barry Scott’ on the loose:
UPDATE – Comments were deleted en masse at 9:30am and again at 1:30pm. It wasn’t until 2pm that they worked out how to turn on comment previews. The site now informs us that ‘comments are moderated, and will not appear on this weblog until the author has approved them’. Backword Dave (who has a rundown of some pre-deletion comments here) said it best: What a great idea. Troll real blogs with phoney comments, and delete real comments from your phoney blog.
UPDATE – “We would like to apologise for something that’s not our fault.” Huh? What?