
This entry was posted on
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
8:40 am and is filed
under The War on Stupid.

BBC – US man guilty of Bush death plot: A US citizen has been convicted of plotting to kill President George W Bush and being a member of al-Qaeda. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, 24, faces a possible life sentence after a US jury found him guilty on nine counts, including conspiracy to hijack a plane. The Arab-American student was held in Saudi Arabia in 2003 and reportedly confessed to membership of al-Qaeda. His defence team said he was tortured and forced to confess, but the judge refused to disallow the confession.

Please keep in mind that – through a confession extracted under torture – this man has admitted to being a terrorist. And – as Donald Rumsfeld will happily tell you – terrorists are trained to lie about their treatment while in custody.

See also: Elaine Cassel – The Strange Case of Ahmed Omar Abu Ali

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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