Monthly Archives: December 2005

It’s another weblog award

Apparently, to win this one, I ‘only’ need to pester you to click here and vote for me. Again and again and again. Every day for the next 9 days. This is because their system allows you to vote for … Continue reading

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Yarrrr she blows

BBC – Cameron chosen as new Tory leader Well, the wait’s over for you. Me, I’m waiting for the naming of the shadow cabinet. Go, Anne, go!

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The Jerry Springer DVD saga continues

I think Justin is on the money here regarding Sainbury’s, Woolworths and the Jerry Springer DVD. [Note – If this is news to you, catch up via this entry at Bloggerheads and the following article from the Independent: Major retail … Continue reading

Posted in Christ... | 2 Comments

I see nothing. I know nothing.

New York Times – Details Emerge on a Brazen Escape in Afghanistan: The prisoners were considered some of the most dangerous men among the hundreds of terror suspects locked behind the walls of a secretive and secure American military detention … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment

Stephen Green is foaming at the mouth again

Media Watch Watch – Woolworths, Sainsbury remove Springer DVD (lotsa links and comments here; go see) Independent – Stores bow to Christians and ban Jerry Springer DVD: Major retail chains have bowed to pressure from a tiny fringe Christian group … Continue reading

Posted in Christ... | 3 Comments

Eclectic link dump #17

New bloggers start here. It looks like Tim Spicer will soon need to ‘move on’ with yet another company name. Help him choose one. Greenpeace – the carbon condom. This, of course, is propaganda. Having people who work for the … Continue reading

Posted in Inneresting | 1 Comment