Monthly Archives: January 2006

“Excuse me, would you mind watching my kids?”

Independent – Fury as police file children’s DNA: The Government last night came under fire from MPs and civil liberties campaigners after it emerged that the DNA profiles of 24,000 children who have never been charged or convicted of an … Continue reading

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Free Wally

Appropriate responses to the death of an innocent mammal (tick one): [ ] Sadness [ ] Sadness tempered with a sense of inevitability [ ] Sadness tempered with a sense of priorities [ ] “Hang on, there might be a … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 2 Comments

Reasons to be fearful

The Scum – Poll shows anxious Britain: Modern living is causing a culture of fear in Britain today, a shock new poll of Sun readers reveals. You worry more about CRIME, HEALTH and MONEY than you did 15 years ago. … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 1 Comment

Exciting new thing

I noticed that the NOTW site has a bit of a ‘fish-wrapper’ thing going on, so have set up a new weblog that will post/preserve one NOTW article per week and invite comment. I expect it’ll get shot down pretty … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 4 Comments

Spot the twat

BBC – Oaten resigns over rent boy claim: Former Liberal Democrat leadership challenger Mark Oaten has stood down as the party’s home affairs spokesman over an alleged affair with a rent boy. Mr Oaten released a statement apologising for the … Continue reading

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Make of it what you will

F4J “Kidnap Plot”: Is The Sun Exposed in Bribery Scam?: On Thursday, Martin Matthews, one of the subjects of the police investigation said in a statement that a “3rd party” had offered him “10K from the Sun newspaper” to accuse … Continue reading

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Sea-going mammal defies exclusion zone

Officer, arrest that whale!

Posted in Inneresting | 2 Comments

The ‘limits’ of the exclusion zone

The police have belatedly charged Maya Evans’ co-demonstrator, Milan Rai, with “organising” the demo for which Maya was prosecuted. (Wow… does this classify as a new ‘target the head’ policy?) Am I next? Well, the police did said that: “We … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 3 Comments

How to understand Tony Blair’s education policy

I saw this in London a few weeks ago and took a picture: (For those of you in the cheap seats, it reads: Blair’s legacy will be; “He betrayed the British people. We will never forgive him.”) To finally come … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 3 Comments

LiveJournal and the new sub-domains

MatGB, now at a new location, has some thoughts on his new location (and that of every other LiveJournal user). There’s another opinion here. Discussions about inconvenience I leave to LiveJournal users. On the subject of PageRank; yes, there is … Continue reading

Posted in Search Engine Optimisation | 1 Comment