Monthly Archives: May 2006

Find out if your MP has a brain

For some strange reason, during the noise-making protest on Wednesday, Blair’s usual cavalcade (which usually involves shutting down the whole bloody street so Blair’s car, two motorcyles and a Landrover can transport Mr Special to Parliament) was nowhere to be … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment

That nasty taste in your mouth

Iain Dale – Cherie Scrapes the Barrel by Signing Hutton Report for Auction BBDO – Who Do I Make It Out To BlairWatch – Labour: Lowering the Bar *UPDATED* EDM 2224 Eurgh. Just… eurgh. UPDATE – And here’s a picture, … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 1 Comment

Poor Tony… so very sensitive to loud noises

************** PLEASE REPEAT/BLOG THE FOLLOWING INVITATION ON YOUR WEBSITE ************** You are invited to attend Parliament Square in solidarity with Brian Haw tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 11am ready for 11.30 (when Blair is due to drive past on his way … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 1 Comment

Sun hungry for punters

Have you seen this? The Scum are so hungry for search traffic that they’re pissing away money on AdWords by bidding for the name of almost every MP on the books (with the notable exception of Tony Blair):

Posted in Search Engine Optimisation | 1 Comment

Nyer, nyer… you can’t have it

Martin Rosenbaum, the latest BBC blogger, may want to cast an eye over this: Independent – No 10 refuses to release details of Blair’s dealings with Murdoch: A reader of The Independent, who tried to obtain details of “communications, correspondence … Continue reading

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Tony Blair: it’s hard to keep a grip when you’re several leagues from reality

Scant attention (1, 2) has been paid to this exchange in the Commons, highlighted here, by Blair watch: David Cameron: … the Prime Minister will not even address the fact that he is losing the support of his party. He … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid, Tony 'King Blair | Comments Off on Tony Blair: it’s hard to keep a grip when you’re several leagues from reality

Support the troops! Shoot the messengers! (The Moonbat Gambit)

A video released at the site has the digital brownshirts in an uproar, and they’re loving every minute of it. I think Peter has a point here… it looks, walks and quacks like a duck *and* there happen to … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 1 Comment

Quick note for the record

Independent: Mr Cameron last week found a way to attend after Rebekah Wade, editor of the Labour-supporting Sun newspaper, invited the Tory leader as her guest. He and his wife Samantha will sit with Ms Wade and her husband, the … Continue reading

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Sun pro-nuke shock

Hey, gang! I’ve got just enough time to drop the following bombshell on you… Murdoch’s minions are pro-nuke! The main thing I want to show you is this article from yesterday’s Sun by Trevor Kavanagh, but while poking around looking … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 3 Comments

I’m busy

Here’s why. UPDATE – Here you go… This should keep you busy. Unless you’d rather come over to my place, zone out and enter data with me, of course…

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