Monthly Archives: August 2006

Proof: Mike Chambers is directly responsible for the ‘paedo’ claims

For those who came in late: The Learning & Skills Council harbours paedo-scum You may remember this little adventure with Dennis Paul and Mike Chambers from October 17, 2005. Following that adventure, Mike got busy on the University of Surrey … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 1 Comment

SOCPA – the mass/individual protest

Word reaches me via Rachel that: Mark Thomas is furious about SOCPA and has organised a Lone Demo in Parliament Square whereby as many people as possible apply as individuals to simultaneously demonstrate about anything they like. The idea is … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 6 Comments

It’s Monday!

It’s almost lunchtime! I haven’t heard anything beyond the usual assurances from Anne Milton’s office that this would be brought to her attention (which only served to remind me why the Anne Milton weblog exists in the first place; I … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 6 Comments

And their definition of ‘urgent’ is….?

This is a copy of an email I’ve just sent to relevant parties attached to Anne Milton’s office, Conservative Central Office, and the Learning & Skills Council regarding this sordid affair: So, here we are… it’s 5:30pm on a Friday … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 2 Comments

And we’re back

Bloggerheads has been down for the past 9-10 hours following a suspected Denial Of Service attack on the server. (Probably not what you’re thinking; I’m not the only person on this server and *certainly* not the only person on this … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 2 Comments

Inigo Wilson

Given what’s happening in this little corner of the world, I feel it important to make a statement regarding the Inigo Wilson affair. Happily, I can do so simply by agreeing with statements made by Dave: Backword – Zip Your … Continue reading

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I’m totally fed up with this woman… and her little band of thugs

Anne Milton – Guildford MP (and Dipstick): Behind the smearing wheel Now, a month after my initial complaint to her, we may see some action.

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Plots Vs. Reality

Craig Murray has hit a nerve. Go see.

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment

The Learning & Skills Council harbours paedo-scum

1. Given the headline, I think it’s important that I begin by providing my definition of the term ‘paedo-scum’: Paedophiles, as well all know, are adults who engage in sexual activity with a child or children. But there are also … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 5 Comments

Dennis Paul quits blogging… and good riddance

It’s been a while since I’ve done a thorough fisking… but this one is going to be worth it. And then some. Either very late last night or very early this morning, Dennis Paul announced that he was quitting his … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 3 Comments