Monthly Archives: August 2006

Sun suffers effects of ‘news’ drought

MediaGuardian – Sun’s Harry pictures ‘three years old’: The Sun’s front page and centre-spread photographs of Prince Harry groping and kissing a girl are three years old and were not taken this summer as the newspaper claims today, according to … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 1 Comment

The Post-911 Blues

Watch the video. Visit the MySpace platform. Dive into iTunes or HMV and vote with your wallet… this is lovely, lovely stuff.

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment

When paranoia meets ignorance II

Well, glory be… Dennis is digging (a deeper hole for himself): Dennis Paul, Conservative Campaigner: Lambeth Lad, meet David Orchard! Lambeth Lad, a regular contributer on one of my opponents blogsite during the general election, attacking our newly elected Conservative … Continue reading

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When paranoia meets ignorance

Ahahahahahahaha! I was just checking Dennis Paul’s weblog for updates and I happened across this old XML feed, which hasn’t been updated since April. This feed reveals that the introduction to his website used to read as follows: The accuracy … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 4 Comments

Abu Ghraib in Lego

Hahahaha! This appeals to me in all sorts of ways. (via) In fact, it has me wondering how one would render napalm use in Lego. I’m guessing that the process would start with the purchase of 10,000 of these little … Continue reading

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Skewing the debate

An excellent post by Curious Hamster on the subject of co-ordinated reactions to the recent open letter from British Muslim groups. (His statement regarding Blair’s position on attacks on innocent civilians is spot on, but just in case you’re in … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | Comments Off on Skewing the debate

Dennis Paul makes a big mistake

[Note – Excuse me for repeating a lot of Dennis Paul’s content in this post; it’s just that the man has a bad habit of deleting content once it’s (finally) clear to him that an argument has failed to go … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 5 Comments

Lord Stevens goes shouty-crackers… again

Bloody hell. Have a look at this NOTW editorial by Lord Stevens (mirrored/archived here at NOTWATS). Lord Stevens – If you’re a Muslim, it’s your problem: WHEN will the Muslims of Britain stand up to be counted? When will they … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 3 Comments

Top this…

From the front page of today’s edition of The Daily Sport: (Direct link to image here for those of you in the cheap seats.) Our only saving grace as a nation? Well… MediaGuardian – Sport drops one-third of readers: Sales … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment

My MP appears to be on holiday… all year long

Guess which member of the Health Select Committee has the worst attendance record. Go on… take a punt.

Posted in Anne Milton | Comments Off on My MP appears to be on holiday… all year long