Monthly Archives: August 2006

Bury this: the news you may have missed

Iraq: Gulf News – 35 killed by suicide bomber outside Shiite shrine: A suicide bomber detonated a belt of explosives on his body near a highly revered Shiite shrine in southern Iraq on Thursday, killing at least 35 people and … Continue reading

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A threat so profound that it transcends politics

AFP – Bush seeks political gains from foiled plot: Weighed down by the unpopular war in Iraq, Bush and his aides have tried to shift the national political debate from that conflict to the broader and more popular global war … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 1 Comment

Heathrow: mock-up, set-up, or cock-up?

Please excuse the following question… that’s just me thinking that something doesn’t quite add up. Please excuse the delay…. that’s just me waiting for the crowds to abate. (cough) If there’s a real risk that multiple terrorists are carrying disguised … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 4 Comments

A golf-clap for Martin Whelton

Congratulations to Labour Councillor Martin Whelton, who has copied and pasted written a passage that’s so concise, carefully-focused and on-message that it stands a very good chance of being tomorrow’s Page 3 editorial… Blogging4Merton – Airport security alerts: The Government … Continue reading

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Stephen “Chicken Shit” Green

Pandora (10 Aug): A rather unholy row at the Edinburgh Fringe: the Australian comic Jim Jeffries has been dropped from debating in the BBC1 religious affairs show Heaven and Earth this Sunday, following a run-in with the evangelical activists Christian … Continue reading

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They’ll never take our freedaaaarrrgh!

Well, how about that, then? Less than a week after the launch of the fear-o-meter and it’s already being put to good use. As of today, we have graduated from ‘severe’ to ‘scared shitless’ ‘critical’ (i.e. “an attack is expected … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 12 Comments

Your chance to blog for Israel

The Times – Israel backed by army of cyber-soldiers: Israel’s Government has thrown its weight behind efforts by supporters to counter what it believes to be negative bias and a tide of pro-Arab propaganda. The Foreign Ministry has ordered trainee … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 4 Comments

Your chance to blog for Labour

Ick! Ick! Ick-ick-ick-ick-ick! (Eurgh. I feel all dirty now.)

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Smoke and mirrors

The wingnuts are furiously circle-jerking their way around a second lap of Reuters, having revealed that not one, but two photographs by Beirut-based freelance photographer Adnan Hajj had been altered. The picture that kicked this off is a staggering show … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 8 Comments

Take me to our leader

Mail on Sunday – Straw sacked after ‘US expressed concern over Muslim sympathies’: George Bush put pressure on Tony Blair to sack Jack Straw as Foreign Secretary, it was claimed last night. Washington insiders said the Prime Minister was urged … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 1 Comment