This entry was posted on
Wednesday, August 16th, 2006 at
6:33 pm and is filed
under The War on Stupid.
Craig Murray has hit a nerve. Go see.
This entry was posted on
Wednesday, August 16th, 2006 at
6:33 pm and is filed
under The War on Stupid.
Craig Murray has hit a nerve. Go see.
By Jherad August 16, 2006 - 11:23 pm
I see the lone dissenter in the comments (at Craig’s) took a jolly good kicking.I’ve read plenty of good articles there previously, and had wondered about the lack of comments – the little two-and-fro between Craig and ScottSA obviously heated things up somewhat.I sometimes wonder why I post comments on blogs, as I don’t have one of my own (I recognised a while ago that I don’t have the research time, and my writing style sucks!). Thinking about it, I enjoy speaking with like-minded people, and I enjoy debating with people who hold different views – I learn something new, and perhaps broaden my own horizons. But…Deep down, there is, I suspect a niggling little wish that I could take some of our current politicians by the throat (metaphorically speaking), and make them see things the way I see them, for just one minute.The antagonist appeared on a normally quiet blog, and for just a while, embodied Blair/Bush/Reid/The Establishment. Right there – in your face. He unwittingly roused the rabble, and was well and truly grabbed by the throat, though I doubt his opinion was changed any.So to cut a long story short – we’re out of touch with our government, and our government is well and truly out of touch with us. But you already knew that.