Monthly Archives: September 2006

Ten tell-tale signs that your teenager might be a terrorist

PA – Reid terror plea to Muslim parents: Home Secretary John Reid will challenge British Muslims to come forward with information about suspected terrorists. He will meet an audience of specially-invited Muslims and urge parents to “look for the tell-tale … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 4 Comments


People inside Thailand are chatting, reporting, debating and collating right now. Go see. A brand new purpose-built weblog (via) reports that a popular local political discussion site has closed down due to ‘over crowded news and argument’, so – on … Continue reading

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‘Cramlington Village Councillor’…. who he?

Oh, FFS… Gareth Davies: I had an email from Tim Ireland the other day, suggesting I’ve been slow to publish some comments about torture. I have. No conspiracy Tim, I’ve been busy. [Um… Gareth? I don’t think there’s a conspiracy; … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement, Tony 'King Blair | 2 Comments

Hungary: lies, leaks and whispers

BBC – We lied to win, says Hungary PM: Hungary’s prime minister has admitted saying that his party lied to the public to win April’s general election. Ferenc Gyurcsany’s admission came after Hungarian radio played a tape of a meeting … Continue reading

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Darfur: where are the Clooney-bashers?

Whenever George Clooney or any other celebrity has the temerity to speak out about the Middle East, all sorts of wingnuts crawl out from under their rocks to malign, mock and undermine them (here’s a classic example)… but I’m not … Continue reading

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They what now?

It has just come to my attention that the Conservatives invented blogging… and quite possibly the helicopter. Rachel has more. UPDATE – Well said: “Harry’s Place – the blog meeting place for lefties all over Britian” WTF? I’m afraid your … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment

Please. Watch. This.

If you really want to understand the dangers of religious extremism, I urge you to watch the following programme (links in the review are mine)… The Doomsday Code – 7:00pm – Saturday 16 September – Channel 4 Radio Times (David … Continue reading

Posted in Christ... | 6 Comments

‘Supporting’ the troops

Blair Watch – The Freedom They Died For: Military Families Against the War is planning a peace camp outside the Labour Conference in Manchester. They’ve organised similar events before but this time The Labour council has banned the protest. BBC … Continue reading

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Clare Short aims for proportional representation

The Daily – Exclusive: Clare Short to step down amid controversy (Sep 11): In a controversial speech to an academic symposium this afternoon, she said that she wanted to be free to advocate a hung parliament so that the Lib … Continue reading

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Only a vote for the Republicans can save you from the terrorists

BSSC – A War on the “War”: It was widely expected that President Bush would not use the anniversary of September 11th to make a controversial or politically motivated partisan statement but last night that is exactly what he did. … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 1 Comment