Monthly Archives: January 2007

The New Conservatives: Parallels and Realities

Hi folks. Yes, this is another long post that takes a closer look at ‘Guido Fawkes’ and related issues, but this one comes complete with its own knockers… The Independent – When it comes to a debate on Iraq, Tony … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch, The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment


Oops. UPDATE (2:02pm) – Hahaha! And an ‘oops’ from me, too. It was foolish to assume that Staines would include all pertinent information in any given post.

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Climb every mole-hill

Johnny Void began by making a common enough mistake; thinking that the enemy of his enemy was his friend (or, perhaps, some form of zip-gun). Been there myself. But I think he went of the rails a bit when he … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 5 Comments

Chalk up one for the little guy

The Register – B3ta man victorious over Coca-Cola in music dispute: Coca-Cola has agreed to settle with an unsigned London band over a dispute that the soft drink’s Argentinian subsidiary ripped off one of their songs and animated videos. BBC … Continue reading

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Frank Field: useful idiot

Frank Field (MP) – Fiddling while London burns: A successful terrorist attack on London could make part of the capital uninhabitable for decades and make Britain permanently poorer. Yet, while London awaits its fate, Scotland Yard is fiddling away on … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 5 Comments

This will seem awfully familiar to a lot of you (part two)…

A little something for you from the New York Times, courtesy of… Lying Like It’s 2003: This White House gang is so practiced in lying with a straight face that it never thinks twice about recycling its greatest hits. … Continue reading

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This will seem awfully familiar to a lot of you…

The Register – Bloggers unite to save astroturfing for Mankind: In an all-too-familiar scene, bloggers, Slashdot readers and several news outlets were taken in by the hype surrounding a provision in the Senate ethics reform bill that would have required … Continue reading

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Pulling a fast-food one

Blink-and you-miss-it McDonald’s ad.

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About as low as it gets…

IP addresses have played a role in recent outings, and we’ve also seen a few people playing fast and loose with issues of identity… so it does not surprise me at all that we now have an IP Spoofer in … Continue reading

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A lack of clarity

BBC – Parliament protester’s legal win: District Judge Quentin Purdy said he had not breached conditions imposed on him by the Metropolitan Police. Applause broke out at the City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court, when the judge said the conditions were … Continue reading

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