Monthly Archives: January 2007

The De-Briefing (Guido and his political astro-turfers)

Ministry Of Truth – Generation Gap: There are definable limits to what Tim could reasonably hope to achieve by taking an open pot-shot at Guido, which I’m sure he’s perfectly well aware of, and, for now, the best that he … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 11 Comments

Moron of the day

Get a load of this joker. UPDATE – I’ve tried to avoid left/right comparisons as best I can in this, but people are already noticing the obvious split along party lines, so I think now is as good a time … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment

Jackie Danicki, I have a bone to pick with you…

[Image via Samizdata. Published under Creative Commons. Image resized and enhanced.] A few days ago, Jackie Danicki sent me an email demanding that I remove a photo of Paul Staines from this key post on my website. She claimed to … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 4 Comments

What do you think…

Too much? UPDATE (00:50) – First threat of the entire exchange just came in… so I guess (*gasp*) we are dealing with bullies here.

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Not a perfect example… but a fresh one

UPDATE – Well. Said.: Netiquette is, ultimately, about playing fair with your readers and those who comment on your work, and censorship, in blogging terms, includes not only outright suppression of opinions but also breaches of netiquette that restrict or … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 4 Comments

Guido’s bluffs, toughs and fluffers

*sigh* Well, I can’t say I’m surprised…. Guido Fawkes: Guido himself is basically simultaneously bored by, but amused that the blog boycott / de-link call has so spectacularly badly backfired, with hits up again to a new month and year … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 7 Comments


The following is the full text from an email I sent this evening to someone from the ‘other’ side after the many developments following this post. A small level of detail has been changed to protect the identity of the … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 5 Comments


I just received what I am sure is a spontaneous and independent request to remove the image of Paul Staines from this post (the owner took the photo at a party she went to, where Guido was also in attendance). … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

What’re you going to do; bleed on me?

Guido, the invitation stands; no nitpicking on other people’s weblogs, no straw men, no personal-abuse-by-proxy, just you making use of the fair right of reply that has always been available. Start here. You’re already registered for comments, so it should … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Show me you’re nuts

Post of the day, and no mistake: Obsolete – Scum-watch: Feeble corrections and the whimpering of an exposed page 3 girl I especially love the part where The Scum chide another newspaper for being ‘downmarket’. :o) I’m also tempted to … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs | 5 Comments