A right-wing reader writes…

This entry was posted on
Monday, March 26th, 2007
9:08 am and is filed
under Christ….

A busy morning… but I do have some correspondence to share with you.

[Psst! If you’re wondering what this is about, click here. Regulars, please note the similarity in format (the hugging paragraphs) between these emails and the sock-puppet comments archived here.]

From: campaign2007
To: bloggerheads (via the YouTube messaging system)
Sent: March 25, 2007
Subject: Breach of copyright

Dear Bloggerheads,

I have noticed you have re-posted a video which I have removed, citing it as ‘public domain’. However, the copyright belongs to me and so I would appreciate it if you removed the video.
You have also used our footage within another video, again breaching my copyright.
Please remove the above two videos or I will have to inform YouTube of this breach of copyright.



To: campaign2007
From: bloggerheads (via the YouTube messaging system)
Sent: March 25, 2007
Subject: Re: Breach of copyright

Dear Campaign2007,

I would be happy to comply in the first instance if you would be so good as to prove ownership.

In the second instance, ‘fair use’ as parody applies. Sorry.

Tim Ireland

PS – For future correspondence, please use email:
[email address provided]

From: campaign2007
To: bloggerheads (via the YouTube messaging system)
Sent: March 25, 2007
Subject: Re: Re: Breach of copyright

Dear Bloggerheads,

Please could you clarify how you want me to prove ownership?
I produced the clip and uploaded it. I am the originator of this video.


To: campaign2007
From: bloggerheads (via the YouTube messaging system)
Sent: March 25, 2007
Subject: Re: Breach of copyright

You are an anonymous user of YouTube, and the live section of the clip could very well be a production you have lifted/adopted for your purposes.

You need to prove that you are the owner of the clip… that initially requires you to state who produced it and then prove that you are that person and/or that you represent the relevant organisation.

Next message by *direct email*, please, or I will be forced to assume that you have no intention of revealing such details and/or that you are in no way connected to the original producer of this video

Tim Ireland
[email address provided]

I haven’t heard anything since.

[PS – Meanwhile, another sock-puppet breeding right-wing dickhead is struggling with copyright issues here.]

UPDATE – The mirror of this grubby piece of this propaganda has now been removedbut you can download a copy of the original here.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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