This entry was posted on
Sunday, March 18th, 2007 at
10:29 pm and is filed
under The Political Weblog Movement.
I would like to thank everyone who has welcomed me as part of this community. I would especially like to thank all of the people who have simply accepted me as part of this community.
Since I arrived here, the only people who have asked “Why don’t you go back to where you came from?” have been Tories.
By way of thanks, I would like to point out that not *all* of the Tories I have met have asked me “Why don’t you go back to where you came from?”
By Jangliss March 18, 2007 - 11:45 pm
Thanks for accepting us: are you talking about Britain or politics or blogs or all three?
By Manic March 19, 2007 - 12:16 am
All three. But I have to admit that I started with just one Briton.
By Sim-O March 19, 2007 - 10:24 am
If you follow the Zionists train of thought, you probably have come back to where you came from.
By Bob Piper March 19, 2007 - 4:46 pm
Jangliss is right, Tim: It is us who should be grateful (does that sound like a suitably grovelling Tory Dalette worshipping at his master's feet?
By Manic March 19, 2007 - 4:51 pm
Just what I was fishing for, Bob. Thanks.Now let me hear you say that all of the funny/clever people are from our end of the political spectrum.:o)
By tyger March 19, 2007 - 5:06 pm
Dude!Been reading you for years (even if I have only recently started getting 'involved').You and Justin have been more than an inspiration.Enough of that (far too Guidoesque). I feel dirty.
By RickB March 19, 2007 - 10:53 pm
Maybe those tories are just concerned you don't visit your mother often enough?Good job you're here the tories are gonna be all over this country like a cheap suit if they can get away with it.