Monthly Archives: June 2007

Challenge yourself

Watch this, then read this.

Posted in Humanity | 2 Comments

Emap: a quick update

Emap: After some phone-chasing today, I found out that I’ve been passed straight over to their lawyers. How lovely. What are the odds, do you think, of the lawyers’ fee being more than what I’m asking for my picture?

Posted in Photoshopping | 1 Comment

Ayup, cockers

Two days later and not so much as a courtesy reply from Emap, despite their organisation making 28 visits to my report on their image-nickery. Time to chase, I think. While you wait, have a peek at this: Billboard – … Continue reading

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What he said

Snip a few bits of this and you have the reason why I’m so involved in politics. In fact, you probably wouldn’t have caught me within a mile of Westminster without it: Independent – Two words sum up why I … Continue reading

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Automated inhumanity

Torboto: The Robot That Tortures People (mirror) Link via neOnbubble.

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Sidebar updated

I really have to do something more sophisticated with my navbar, but for now I’ve settled for a bit of a tidy-up and a few additions under ‘associates’.

Posted in Updates | 4 Comments

‘Mere’ rendition and sheer audacity

Via goatchurch and Peter Gasston: The New Yorker – The General’s Report (by Seymour M. Hersh): Taguba, watching the hearings, was appalled. He believed that Rumsfeld’s testimony was simply not true. “The photographs were available to him – if he … Continue reading

Posted in Humanity | 3 Comments

Ripped off: Emap earns an invoice (and some free advice)

I was at a panel discussion last night. The subject was The Dark Side of Social Media. It was an industry event, but we only really got down to the nuts and bolts of how this dark side might impact … Continue reading

Posted in Photoshopping | 3 Comments

Goodbye, Tony Blair: Farewell Video and Pardons

OK folks, here’s that video I’ve been promising you for the past umpteen weeks: Goodbye, Tony Blair Please be aware that this is by no means my final word on Blair. I plan to keep my vow to pursue him … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 5 Comments

Made you look

While I’ve got your attention, I need to deliver a well-overdue apology to Mike Power. Earlier this year, a series of individuals deliberately attempted to bypass the requirement that comment contributors on Bloggerheads provide a valid email address via a … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 1 Comment