Monthly Archives: July 2007

Tell Alastair Campbell to go f**k himself

Don’t you think it’s amazing that Alastair Campbell can use exactly the same tricks that helped to deceive this country into a war and still have the MSM eating out of the palm of his hand? FFS, even the BBC … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 3 Comments

Grant Shapps is a sock-puppeting loser

[RELATED POST – EXCLUSIVE: Grant Shapps claims he met the alleged ‘1234’ hacker] Ahahahahahahahahaha! Mark Pack – EXCLUSIVE: Grant Shapps says “realistically we’re not going to win” in Ealing: I’m a generous soul, so I’m willing to listen to an … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 19 Comments

Iain Dale wants it both ways

Iain Dale needs to decide during this by-election nonsense if he’s a commentator or a campaigner. Either he’s genuinely morally outraged by any attempt to deceive the electorate, or he’s merely highlighting/interpreting the antics of the opposition in a manner … Continue reading

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Bloody rent-a-mobbers

Watch Labour’s rent-a-mob in Sedgefield disrupting press events for the Lib Dems (via) and the Tories (via). I’ve personally witnessed similar behaviour from the Tories and I’ll happily link to any current/historical footage of the same from the Lib Dems* … Continue reading

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People we know and trust

Alastair Campbell: Why, suddenly, are so many people prepared to believe a man who lies and spins for a living… especially when his immediate livelihood depends on us giving a damn about his book? Won’t be buying, won’t be reading… … Continue reading

Posted in Humanity | 2 Comments

I’m, like, *so* mainstream darling…

Tonight from 7pm to 8pm I’ll be appearing on the panel (in a primarily audible sense) for Fighting Talk: AOB on Radio Five Live. Wish me luck… I’ll be operating without nicotine. UPDATE (10PM) – Gah! Wimbledon was running over, … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 2 Comments

Murdoch-related reads of the week

Obsolete – Scum-watch: The dead flag blues 5cc – More soaraway propaganda (Psst! I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Wade’s days are numbered… the old mongrel is far too reliant on her old tricks.) … Continue reading

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Remember the recent adventure with Emap? (The update on this has been delayed, BTW…hang in there.) Now it’s the Sun’s turn.

Posted in Photoshopping | Comments Off on Gotcha!

EXCLUSIVE OPINION: Amateur Histrionics

Why do by-elections seem particularly unpleasant? Well, for starters, there are more politicians and activists available. Of course, lately we also have the Tories ‘dominating’ the blogosphere (in much the same way that a diarrheic dog dominates a croquet lawn) … Continue reading

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Amateur dramatics

“The greatest danger of bombs is in the explosion of stupidity that they provoke.” – Octave Mirbeau Yeah, I know I keep wheeling that quote out, but – to paraphrase almost everyone in the Bush administration – I don’t think … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment