Monthly Archives: July 2007

8 random facts meme stab kill die

Justin has tagged me, and he is one of the few people I would forgive for this. Here are the rules (as I understand them): – You must post these rules before posting your facts… or not. – Each player … Continue reading

Posted in Inneresting | 5 Comments

I plan to blame society (and nicotine withdrawal)

Good morning, and here is the news: Alan Johnston has been freed… and here is your replacement button: The missing protestor has been found… or has he? Nick Boles is to receive treatment for cancer… it feels like Christmas has … Continue reading

Posted in Humanity | 2 Comments

Emap: an itty-bitty update

Here’s an article about the recent Emap kerfuffle that is of added interest once you delve into comments (some readers would appear to think that Mr Nash’s response fails the scrutiny test). (Psst! I’m not waiting until my cheque arrives … Continue reading

Posted in Photoshopping | 5 Comments

Somebody nearly forgot to think about Teh Children

Here’s an extract from a nice letter that I read in the paper on my way into London today: Don’t help terrorists by spreading fear: Counter-terrorism experts familiar with explosives know these were not the types of car bombs that … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 3 Comments