Monthly Archives: August 2007

I think Iain Dale can identify Norman Lamb’s Facebook impersonator(s)

Iain Dale says; “Whoever has done this deserves all they get when they are found out.” When they are found out? Well, there’s genuine outrage for you. Iain’s so annoyed about this that he’s going to sit back and wait … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Keeping that feelgood factor afloat

Dan Hardie – Two teenaged Quislings: This isn’t about only ‘translators’. This isn’t about just ‘the 91’. This is about two teenage girls murdered because they worked folding clothes in some sweatbox… murdered because they worked for people sent there … Continue reading

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I am *so* outraged about another post

But I’m not going to link to it because I don’t link to people or parties that I don’t like (or items I feel I might have difficulty challenging in detail). It doesn’t stop me from being really, really cross … Continue reading

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Just checking…

If the BBC ran this story but also spent a few moments looking into the background of the organisation pushing it (i.e. using the word ‘Conservative’ somewhere and pulling up well short of yelling “Tory front!”), that would be typical … Continue reading

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A magic item

Pretty much since cheap plastic was invented, there have been cheap plastic dress-up and accessory kits for kids that allow them to roam the neighbourhood as a nurse, a cowboy, a police officer, etc. My, how things have changed. Now, … Continue reading

Posted in Consume! | 2 Comments

Please keep off the grass

Tch. I thought most politicians had tried grass, and decided that they didn’t like it. Shows what I know… Times – Parliament protesters are evicted: Dozens of people who have been camping opposite Parliament have been evicted. The Greater London … Continue reading

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C’mon… tell me someone along the line didn’t spot this before publication… – Reagan Diaries: George W: “Find the Kid a Job”…: Direct quote from the just published REAGAN DIARIES. The entry is dated May 17, 1986…. ‘A moment I’ve been dreading. George brought his ne’re-do-well son around this morning and … Continue reading

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More Tory sock-puppetry and smears

Mark Pack (LibDemVoice) – Who was the person who faked the Norman Lamb Facebook profile? Some lovely detective work by Mark. I have a couple of details and observations to add: is the IP address connected so strongly to … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 3 Comments

Get orf moi lahhhnd!

Police ‘escorted’ off climate camp by protesters. Watch it right until the end to see a police officer deliver a somewhat embellished version of events into his radio. They don’t like it up ’em, do they? UPDATE – Someone raised … Continue reading

Posted in Consume! | 6 Comments

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