Monthly Archives: August 2007

Reactions to Brown’s Guantanamo release requests

The Scotsman – Life of house arrest awaits Guantanamo detainees on return to UK: Mr Brown last week formally requested that the US release the five men from its controversial Cuban detention camp. The Pentagon accuses the five of terrorism, … Continue reading

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Well said

Chicken Yoghurt – In the vanguard of a new cultural revolution: The BBC clearly have much to learn from a Tory propagandist and a blogger whose stock in trade is third-rate gossip, homophobia and censorship. Actually, I thought at least … Continue reading

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Visiting the Camp for Climate Action

I dropped by to visit the Camp for Climate Action with Sunny yesterday. A short photo report follows below the fold.

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Yo kids, this is the Hotniss (for real)

Stand back, kids…. the Tories have gone ‘street’ with a new video via Asabailey [*no they haven’t]. In fact, they’re so with-it that they’re down with their own YouTube profile; ‘smokedbadger’. (Tch. Someone really should have warned them that made-up … Continue reading

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All in good time, m’lad

The Times – This is the story of two brothers who worked for the British: one is dead, the other fears for his life: Mohammad’s body was found dumped in wasteland on the outskirts of Basra. His killers had burnt … Continue reading

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Support the troops

Let them speak.

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A letter has just been delivered that may be of interest to you…

Rachel North – Legal Challenge to Government as Pressure Grows for Independent 7/7 Inquiry: Today I will go to the Home Office at noon with a small but representative group of bereaved families and survivors of 7/7 and serve the … Continue reading

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Iraq employees campaign: a list of supporters

Surreptitious Evil has helpfully produced a list of bloggers supporting the Iraq employees campaign that Dan Hardie kicked off. [SNIP: Permalinks were too top-heavy for an ongoing post and causing come trackback conflicts and/or undue pinging. Rather than display these … Continue reading

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Loving this. Gems to be found here and here. Oooooh… look at the engine. Ahahahahaha! Look at what just about anyone can do with it! Lots of possible entries lurk under the Parliament I.P. address There’s a nice breakdown … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Rove: biggest rat jumps sinking ship shock

As the Bush administration continues to implode, Karl Rove leaves to ‘spend more time with his family’. (more) I’m glad to see the back of him. Like Alastair Campbell, he’s nothing more than a media-savvy sociopath. (To paraphrase Banksy; why … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 3 Comments