The 2005 Labour Party Campaign Return

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, August 7th, 2007
2:09 pm and is filed
under National Service.

Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for Clive, please…


And now, a tense silence as we (finally) welcome to Teh Interwebs… a digital copy of the 2005 Labour Party Campaign return!


This is version 1.0; it includes the bulk of the main return, but is missing some invoice data from roughly 10% of Head Office expenditure and all invoice data relating to regional expenditure.

We have in our possession a copy of the entire submitted return, so to complete the process for this return we need some capable and reliable people to help us with some basic data entry.

I’ve done the bulk of the data entry myself so far and I can assure you that it is dull, time-consuming and potentially soul-destroying work… so I’m sure there will be a long line of volunteers.


(Clive, Justin and I would also like to see digital versions of the returns for the Tories, the Lib-Dems and all of these other jokers.. so please get in touch if you’re interested in helping to make this happen.)

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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