Monthly Archives: October 2007

Meet Dr. Crabblesnitch

Dr. Crabblesnitch is a primary character in the video game Bully (originally titled ‘Canis Canem Edit’). IGN describes him as; “a devout authoritarian with a pompous outlook and a self-righteous moral code.” So far, so blah… but there’s something about … Continue reading

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He is the very model of a Middle Eastern peace envoy

Flying Rodent, Garry and Justin already have this well-covered. All I wish to add is; “I told you so!” Oh, and this from Pandora: Tony Blair, return to sender Best to take a few precautions if you are a Prime … Continue reading

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London Underground Song finally (officially) on YouTube

There have been many rip-offs of the original Flash video on YouTube (the most impressive one is here), but this is the first appearance of an official export to video. (Sorry about the hold-up, but I wanted to clear a … Continue reading

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Iain Dale: define ‘petty’

Iain Dale removed Bloggerheads and Chicken Yoghurt from his blogroll on the evening of the 18th of October. The reason? Some comments (since deleted) from me and this single comment from Justin. He is a sensitive flower, isn’t he?

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 5 Comments

Iain Dale takes me on and then thinks better of it

The following exchange was published under this post on Iain Dale’s website this morning and then deleted in its entirety within the past hour. Comment moderation has been switched back on, as it usually is when Iain would rather avoid … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Two quickies

Shhh! I’m busy writing (as opposed to recycling stealing other people’s ideas and begging my readers to do most of the remaining work for me). I have two quick items for you: Garry Smith has a new home. The Society … Continue reading

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When the time comes, do me a favour…

… and tell it like it is (or, rather, was). The Chaser’s War on Everything: The Eulogy Song Video via B3ta. Some lyrics might be considered NSFW. Background on the song and some of the names is here if you … Continue reading

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Iain Dale: why his blog cannot be safely ignored

Yesterday, Iain Dale posted an image mocking the recent queue-jumping antics of MPs. The image had, originally, been posted by Kerron Cross. Iain gave no indication of this. [Note – Recess Monkey also used the image without initially crediting Kerron … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 11 Comments

Fasthosts: I think I may be onto something here…

I was all revved up to do a charming, well-meaning post about the people at Fasthosts being in need of a pint this afternoon, so I checked out Google Maps to see where the nearest pub might be. I did … Continue reading

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Yet another reason to avoid Fasthosts like the plague

Via Dave Cross: The Register – Fasthosts customer? Change your password now: Fasthosts, “the UK’s number 1 web host”, has fired off emergency emails telling customers to change all their passwords after police were called in to investigate a major … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment