Monthly Archives: October 2007

There are two major demonstrations this coming week..

… and attending one of them could lead to your arrest. Can you guess which? BURMA: GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION SATURDAY 6th OCTOBER 2007 Join us for a march and rally in solidarity with the monks and peaceful demonstrators in … Continue reading

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Gordon Brown and his mysterious movements

In the greatest show of cheek since adopting the word ‘change’ for a campaign slogan, the Conservatives are now laying into Gordon Brown for playing ‘dog-whistle’ politics; partisan/projection nonsense aside, this is all part of a growing impatience with Brown’s … Continue reading

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Debra Cagan: Why isn’t this everywhere in the UK? Did I a miss a meeting?

Well, I know I appear to have missed a whopper of a meeting in Washington, but you’ll get what I mean: (Prepare yourselves, darlings; you’ll simply love what she’s wearing… but I should point out that she wore it for … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, The War on Stupid | 2 Comments

Gordon Brown Down With Teh Kids: does anyone smell photoshopping?

Via Charlie, a heads-up about the image currently dominating the front page of the Labour website. The original can be downloaded here if you’d like to take a closer look. Me, I’m thinking that your average British arm has unique … Continue reading

Posted in Photoshopping | 3 Comments

Did anyone else just hear the sound of a tightening screw?

The New Yorker – The Senate Does the Right Thing: Late last night, to the amazement of refugee advocates, the Senate approved by unanimous consent an amendment by Senator Kennedy to a defense bill that will make it easier for … Continue reading

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Greetings, comrades

Bloggerheads is back online, but I suspect that most of the action will take place here for a few more days at least. If you miss the old ‘obsessions’, here’s some local news of (online) poll-rigging and the immediate reaction … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid, Updates | 7 Comments