This entry was posted on
Friday, February 1st, 2008 at
5:44 pm and is filed
under The Political Weblog Movement.
Do you remember Shane Greer, who filled in for Iain Dale on his blog for a while?
Well, he’s decided to post this objective piece.
And just when I thought this afternoon was going to be a wash-out*.
(*I’ve not received any email from Staines or Blaney at all today. Not a whisper. How jolly it is of them to want to leave this hanging over the weekend.)
UPDATE (2 Feb) – Link to Shane Greer article corrected/updated. Shane Greer migrated to WordPress over the past day, and the location of this article changed as a result. This migration may also be the reason why Shane Greer has yet to publish my response under comments on his website.
UPDATE (2 Feb) – Yes, it was migration complications to blame. I missed whatever period the original attempts were live for on the old format. Mike Rouse explains here and the thread under Shane Greer’s article is now accepting comments.
By gavin_mcghee February 1, 2008 - 6:29 pm
Mr Greer does confess, on the same day, that he was under the doctor, I wonder if the two events could be linked? In any event Tim, surely it's worth a Greerballs pledge fund to pay for a lawyer to send a warm cuddly letter to the odious little chap? There is little that isn't actionable in that little post.
By Manic February 1, 2008 - 9:36 pm
I suspect that's just what's expected of me.I clearly recall taking Staines to task over multiple instances of comment manipulation and censorship, and when I deleted a duplicate comment on my own website soon after, he actually had the balls to play the "Look! He does it too!" game.For the record, I made a statement on my position on libel and legal recourse right here:
By Justin February 1, 2008 - 10:11 pm
Bringing up Rachel's recent troubles was the classy part, I thought. I'm sure she's well chuffed at her ordeal being used as shit for Mr Greer to chuck around.What an odious little tick he is.
By septicisle February 1, 2008 - 11:45 pm
He realises he looks both ridiculous and sinister at the same time in that photograph, doesn't he?
By Garry February 2, 2008 - 1:55 am
These guys are a sound reminder as to why someone as odious as Blair managed to stay in power for so long.Also, Greer has changed the format of his permalinks so the one above no longer works. That might be a result of him changing to WordPress (but I'm no expert).The new link is:…
By gavin_mcghee February 2, 2008 - 7:45 am
You're a far more tolerant person than I. Using the law isn't an admission of defeat – it is after all our law, and by not using it we're leaving it to the odious boys down the road to use until they break it.Good luck anyway, if I could be bothered with a blog again (Bag of Bears bit the dust a long time ago) I'd do my bit, so can only offer you a pledge if you do decide to go the legal route.
By Justin February 2, 2008 - 8:14 am
"These guys are a sound reminder as to why someone as odious as Blair managed to stay in power for so long."Well, hands up who *isn't* thinking of voting Labour next time. The more I see of these Tory bottom feeders, the further away I push the idea of a protest vote.I swore I'd never vote Labour again. At this rate I'm going to end up a Blogger4Labour.
By Pete Connolly February 2, 2008 - 9:12 am
Hmmm, it seem to be gone now. Change of heart?
By Manic February 2, 2008 - 9:58 am
Link corrected/updated. Yes, it's because he's migrated to WordPress (thanks to the good work they do over at MessageSpace Creative). Looks like a standard shell at the mo, but there are bound to be more changes (even if they're only cosmetic).Speaking of which, I'm with septicisle about the portrait on his old site, but can we please stay at least a few blocks from any neighbourhood that will allow these spin-happy tosspots to scream "Wahhhh! Personal attack!"..? Cheers all.
By Manic February 2, 2008 - 10:10 am
Oh, and Justin? Right with you.During 'Backing Blair' I pushed the protest vote with confidence because the Tories had no chance of getting in during 2005.It's a fair bet that I'll be busy during the next election blowing their swift-boaters out of the water.They've copied everything else cheap and nasty coming out of the US blogosphere. Can't see how they could resist this kind of thing:…